Face shape and lifestyle are the two basics in making decision regarding the final look that you should aim for, that will best compliment your look. Once the final look is decided, you need to split your grooming into phases.
Here’s A Guide To Beard Grooming –
Each one of us has a different face shape however all face shapes can be broadly classified as round, square, oblong or oval. But the style should be decided on the basis of what look you are going for. If a round faced person wants to get edgier sharper look, get a sharper beard with skillful and clean edges. If you have an angular chin and want a softer look, go for a thicker and rounder beard with gradation on the neck.
If you are an employee at a multinational corporation, you cannot grow out a beard like hikers do! You need a designer look; which revolves around stubble and classic moustache or even a Van Dyke at times. If your office is more liberal, you can opt for a fuller bearded look.But beard grooming should be under control with the help of trimmers and beard wax. If you are dressing up for a date, you can mix it up and carry of a semi-casual look.
Beard grooming includes efficient use of beard products, skill set, proper care and hygiene. It comprises of planning and control. You need to start off by developing the habit to care about yourself more than you do. As much as you should and your beard deserves!
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