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Know The Difference – Pocket Square & Handkerchief

Pocket squares vs Handkerchief

So let’s begin with a handkerchief. I know its basic and you do not need any guidance for identifying a good piece of fabric to carry around in your pocket. However it is important to understand the importance of a handkerchief. Apart from the obvious hygiene reason, it is important to ensure that your handkerchief is always clean and neatly folded after ironing.

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Also, while your handkerchief serves the purpose of wiping your hands and face, remember you can always use a tissue as well. Make sure your handkerchief doesn’t end up soggy and stained! The purpose is to have a personal piece of fabric around for convenience. But if you have cold, don’t forget – tissues!

Make sure that even if you are not interested in fashion, you are aware of it so that you can do justice even to the basics that you own. Our purpose is to create a fashion forward generation!

A pocket square, on the other hand, is an accessory. It is a style statement, a conversation starter! Your pocket square will help you take your blazer or suit to the next level. It will elevate your look and bring your outfit together. It will add color and bling to your basic formal and make you stand out!

Here is the difference between the two:

  • Pocket squares are usually smaller in size as compared to a handkerchief. You do get bigger ones too but they are a hassle to fit in the right way. Handkerchiefs on the other hand are medium sized that giver you more space to wipe your face and hands.
  • The thickness of the fabric is yet another important aspect. Handkerchiefs are thicker as compared to pocket squares. Reason being the purpose of handkerchief is to soak in. Pocket squares are a style statement and they must fit in your pocket. So they are made in very thin fabric which can be folded even multiple times and still fit in your pocket comfortably without creating a bulge.
  • Pocket squares are silk while handkerchief is cotton, obviously considering that handkerchief is for hygiene while pocket square is for show. Your pocket square can be bright, printed, colorful and stylish while your handkerchief should be as basic as white.