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The Do’s & The Don’ts – Double Breasted Suit Edition

The Do’s And Don’ts Of Wearing A Double Breasted Suit

Make this checklist your go to guide when wearing a double breasted suit, to ensure you get the most out of this iconic style.

  • Do asses your body type before taking the plunge so that you can pick a style and cut that best accentuates your body
  • Don’t think that double breasted suits are not for you because you are carrying a little extra around the waist or do not have the broad shoulders and V shape upper body. Pick a darker colour; it will make you look more slimming.
  • Do get a tailor in and get it fitted according to your measurements for best results. This is not a tip you should overlook or take lightly.

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If you’re reading this article, then you shouldn’t miss reading this aswell –

Rules For Buttoning Your Suit

  • Do not be loud. This is not the Go big or Go home” kind of outfit. Yes, colours and patterns would be great but amateurs must remember that the DB is no shy piece of apparel. It is a bold statement piece. You can make heads turn even by going for something simple and elegant.
  • Do wear a DB suit to the office or a bar or a get together or dinner. It does not require a solemn occasion or a big event to be taken out of your wardrobe and strutted around.
  • Don’t go all ostentatious whilst strutting. The key is to be minimalist when accessorizing.

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  • Do be prepared for all the looks and gazes you will encounter. The lovelorn and flirty ones from the ladies and the jealous ones from the other gents.
  • Don’t under estimate the power of a good outfit and the boost of confidence and ego it can bring.


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