True beardsmen understands how important it is to grow facial hairs and also choosing the right beard styles. Going for the right style depends on various factors like the length, face shape, beard growth and most importantly will it look good when styled. Also many other factors can affect men’s bearded look like the hairstyle, skin tone and colour of the clothes. A beard style on wrong face shape or hairstyle can break the look instantly thus it’s very important to know about it deeper. Here this blog mentions best beard styles that men can choose from and also how to style it the right way.
Here are 15 Stunning Beard Styles That Men Should Try Out
Long Beard Styles-
1. Full Beard Style:
Full beard style is the beard style which is fully connected around the cheeks, chin, neck and sideburns. To get this look it’s very important to get the cheek and neck line trimmed properly. It is very difficult to get full beard style as many have patchy beards which needs proper grooming. Men should go for proper beard care to attain full beard style with the help of beard oil, beard balm, beard shampoo, beard conditioner, beard wax and beard grooming kit. It is one of the classic beard styles for men.
2. Ducktail Beard Style:
Ducktail beard style is the most popular beard style of all time and also loved by men across countries. It is a simple and sophisticated one which looks like a duck’s tail. The facial hairs are pointed at the tips of the chin. This style looks great if combined with full beard. Rectangular, diamond, round and inverted triangle face shape can carry this style very well. Celebrities like Leonardo DiCaprio, Mel Gibson and Ranveer Singh have also opted for this stunning style.
3. Dutch Beard Style:
Dutch beard style is one of the old school beard style as it is generally associated with lumberjack facial hairs. It is long beard without moustache connecting the sideburns and is flared at the bottom. All men have to do is let the beard grow fuller and shave off the moustache with beard trimmer or beard shaver. It is similar to other fuller beards but the only difference here is Dutch beard style have no moustache. It requires regular shaving or trimming to maintain the look.
4. Garibaldi Beard Style:
Garibaldi Beard style is a beard style that falls under the fuller beard category which is a combination of mustache and fuller rounded beard at the bottom. Here in this style the mustache is also kept thick and long. There is no special shape or trimming required to grow this type of beard as it depends on men’s beard growing speed. It gives very natural look which can be flaunted on any occasion formal or casual. Never let the beard look dry or ungroomed thus use beard grooming products when needed.
5. Bandholz Beard Style:
Bandholz Beard style is similar to Garibaldi beard but here the moustache is allowed to grow freely as long and thick it can which is restricted in Garibaldi beard. Basically it’s a fully grown mustache and beard that gives men strong look. Bondholz beard style looks amazing on all face shapes. But growing this beard style is extremely difficult as it needs proper beard grooming with right beard products according to the facial hair type. Men should always avoid over doing it can too long beard may also break the look.
6. Yeard Beard Style:
The yeard beard style is created by full year of continuous beard growth without any interruptions. It is grown with shaving or unnecessary trimming in the time span of 12 month. Yeard Beard style is much longer and fuller compared to other long beard styles. It takes time, commitment and smart grooming practice to achieve this style. Yeard Beard is definitely worth the patience!
Short Beard Styles-
1. Stubble Beard Style:
Stubble beard style is basically the facial hairs that are been shaved off but grows a bit in few days. It is not fully grown beard that’s the reason it falls under this beard style category. It is easy to take care of stubble beard on daily basis before the full beard is grown. Men who don’t like shaving too often can go for thick and full layer of stubble. If one wants the stubble to be short and light it needs to be trimmed regularly. Men can also give the stubble beard any shape according to the face shape.
2. Soul Patch Beard Style:
Soul patch beard style is a small amount of facial hair above chin and below the lower lip. It is also known as ‘jazz dab’ in many countries. Soul patch beard style gives men modern as well as edgy look without any extra efforts. It can range from small area to big depending upon ones preferences. Soul patch beard style can be paired with goatee beard, sideburns or chin strap beard. Few years ago it was one of the trendiest beard styles, which has now made a stunning comeback.
3. French Beard Style:
French Beard style is a beard style that encircles the mouth. It got its name as the style got popularized in France in the initial period. French beard style is also known as Van Dyke Beard. It looks great without putting in efforts and also maintaining it is very easy. It is basically like some facial hair in the goatee beard style which is discontinued to mustache. French beard style was trendy during the 19th and 20th century yet till-date it has managed to stay in trend.
4. Goatee Beard Style:
Goatee beard style is a beard style where the facial hair are at chin and not on the cheeks. It is similar to French beard but unique in its own way. It is formed by the tuft of facial hair on the chin. Men can go for variety of styles like – goatee beard without mustache, with mustache, full goatee beard, thin moustache goatee beard, landing strip goatee beard or anchor beard style. At first trimming this style will be a bit messy but with regular trimming and practice it can be done neatly and perfectly.
5. Anchor Beard Style:
As the name itself suggests it’s a pointed beard at the chin tracing the jawline touching the thin mustache making an illusion of the anchor shape. Men can style a combination of anchor beard style with goatee beard, chin strap beard or handle bar mustache. This beard style can be pulled off by any face shape but it looks great on men with oblong or square face shape. For this style men should be very careful while trimming it as one small mistake can break the look.
Medium Beard Style-
1. Mutton Chop Beard Style:
Mutton chop beard style’s shape resembles the piece of chopped mutton when shaped or trimmed correctly. It is long sideburn connecting the mustache. It was in trend years ago but went out of trend few years back. Mutton chop beard style has made an amazing comeback as many celebrities started styling it for publicity events. It is quite difficult to get the perfect look at first but with regular shaping and trimming men can excel styling this beard style. Men go for mutton chop beard with or without mustache according to the preferences.
2. Verdi Beard Style:
Verdi beard style is one of the bold and ultra-masculine styles that are extremely popular amongst men across globe. It is basically a rounded beard from the end connecting to the mustache. In the style the mustache is at a disconnected to the beard. Verdi beard was originally inspired by Giuseppe Verdi during the 18th century. This beard style looks stunning on triangular face shape. The area where beard connects the mustache should be shaved off to get the perfect Verdi beard look.
3. Balbo Beard Style:
Balbo beard style falls under the category of inverted T beard styles. Here the cheeks are kept clean shaved apart from the side burns. The moustache can be kept of any type depending upon the preferences. It is style along with soul trap beard style and jawline facial hairs. Balbo beard is styled with 3 elements- the jawline facial hair, soul strap beard and moustache. If anyone element is missing men cannot style balbo beard perfectly. It looks stunning on all face shapes if styled correctly and carefully.
4. Chin Curtain Beard Style:
Chin curtain beard style runs through the jaw line to the chin connecting the other end of the face. It is similar to chin strap beard but here the difference is the chin curtain beard cover comparative area of the chin whereas the chin strap covers only a part of the chin. It can be styled along with many beard combinations like the French beard, goatee beard or mustache. Chin curtain beard looks great on diamond and oval shape faces. Men should shave off the neck and cheek hair to get this style perfectly.