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3 Things To Keep In Mind While Choosing The Best Pair Of Sunglasses

Which is the Best Pair of Sunglasses?

There are here aspects for your sunglasses. Let us discuss all three at length to give you the perfect idea for your buying decision.

1. Frame

Frames are the main body of your sunglasses as they provide the basic style for the look as well as protection to your lenses and eyes. The different materials are s following:

  • Plastic

These are your most common everyday sunglasses frames. They are inexpensive and stylish. You will find them in several funky colors and nerdy frames are trending this season. They are also light weight but more suitable for college goers.

  • Metal

Metal frames are the most popular of them all. They are strong and sturdy yet elegant and classic. These are great for men of all age groups but especially so for the mature men. These frames re light weight because despite being metal, the frames are sleek. Metal provides strong durability as well.

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  • Acetate

Acetate frames are hypoallergenic which means that for people who are allergic to various materials like metal and wood can rather opt for this safe option. These frames are also very light weight and durable. They are affordable. These frames are especially made for the convenience of persons facing allergic reactions.

  • Wood

Wooden frames are elegant. They give you a very distinct and classy look. Wooden frames are considerably expensive and the actual original wooden frames are most often handmade. These are strong and sturdy but also really light weight. It is great for daily use if it falls in your budget!

  • Others

You also have several other options like the elite material frames. Buffalo horn or tortoise shell for making frames is such other examples. Such frames are not easy to find and are also extremely expensive. While such frames are sturdy, they may or may not be light weight based on the material used.

2. Lens

  • Glass

Glass lenses are very clear. Your vision is well focused and clean. There is barely any distortion. However these are thick and heavy compared to some other lens materials. Also, since its glass, it’s vulnerable to breakage. One drop and these lenses can be broken. The price of glass lenses is medium, affordable range. Glass is also prone to scratches and thus should really be taken care of.

  • Plastic

While plastic lenses are light weight and inexpensive, there are several cons to it. They are prone to scratches and also not very sturdy. The vision is not as clean as maybe glass or any other material. The vision is least clear in plastic lenses. The lenses are also pretty thick and prone to breakage. They can be used for day to day basis but not the most preferred option despite being the most common one.

  • Polycarbonate

Polycarbonate lenses are thin, light weight and extremely scratch resistant. If you are prone to scratches this is perfect for you! The vision is not as clear as glass but definitely strong and distortion free. They are a bit on the heavier side of the price range but are much more sturdy than glass or plastic.

  • SR

The SR or SR-91 lens provides broad spectrum UV protection is lightweight, sturdy and resistant to impact as well as provides strong quality of distortion free vision! His is as good as it gets. These frames provide all the best features of all lenses minus the one being that it is very expensive. However, this is more of an investment as it lasts very long and provides the best quality vision.

3. Coating

  • Polarized

Polarized basically is a coating that provides the eyes from glare caused by reflected light rays. These lenses are great for protecting your eyes and are a definite must have.

  • Mirrored

Mirrored lenses have a coating of reflected film on the lenses that reflects back the light thus protecting your eyes from direct rays. You can ident6ify these easily as the lenses show clear mirrored effect.

  • Gradient

Gradient are a very popular type of lenses. The shade on the lens is gradient which means dark at the top and gradually getting lighter. Thus if your vision is towards the sun, you have the dark segment protecting your eyes, straight ahead its medium to provide a cleaner vision and the bottom is almost transparent so that you can easily identify things around. This is a very smart and simple technique that provides best sunglass vision.

  • Photo chromic

These hit the markets a few years back and are a very unique style. The lens is transparent or light shaded when it’s not sunny but turns a dark shade as it gets sunny. Thus it may look like regular spectacles on a normal evening or a cloudy day but as soon as the sun comes out, they convert into sunglasses. You do not need to carry around 2 pairs of eyewear and keep changing with the sunlight.

Final Conclusion:

The decision regarding frame, lens and coating should be made keeping into mind the utility. Utility is the top priority. After that comes personal preference and finally price range. Sunglasses protect your eye sight and you cannot put a tag on your vision. It is important to use the best quality lens and strong coating. Also, if you invest well in the lens, the frame should be strong enough to protect the lenses from damage.

Often people buy a cheaper quality for daily wear and save the good one for special occasions. Well that is just all wrong. If you own more than one pair, keep the good pair for daily use and buy a normal one which is stylish for occasion. It is important to protect your eyesight.


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