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Beard Fashion-All you need to know about Beard Fashion

No matter how young you boys are, it’s redundant to mention that you love to play with your beard style. Beard Beard Beard! Everybody is going gaga with the beard since the whole hullabaloo about the beard fashion started. From young boys’ craze for beard that eventually gets them scolded at schools and homes to boys in college that flaunt a beard for a rugged look. Men love beard no matter what their age is. It’s quite a pride in growing one and flaunting it too! Well, you must’ve heard this – ‘If you got it, flaunt it!’

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Everything was fine when the talk about beard fashion began. Every alternate boy started growing a beard, This went on for quite a time, maybe months and for those whose beard took a whole lot of time to grow, it took them a year or so. But now that all you guys have a good good beard, what’s next? Aren’t you bored with the old look? Aren’t you fed up of growing it all this while? Wait! Don’t get hyper and give a defensive reaction. We know you love your beard and you’d grow as long as you want and you’d grow it for years and years.

But hey! Styling your beard is the next thing! Braid it or put few accessories to it! Shave it (No, hold on! We don’t mean to shave it fully) or comb it with fashion. You can play as much as you want with your beard and flaunt a different fashion every time with your changing mood.

We’ve shortlisted few pictures to help you get inspired and style your beard in accordance!

And we love the beard fashion as much you do, so c’mon – Pick some fashion brains from the pictures below to roll a strong beard game!


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