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Too Sexy For Your Boots?

boots look sexy over men

Boots are literally the sexiest shoes on a man! Yea I know men look wow in suits and oxfords, brogues are cool and no matter what people say – all this cannot compare to a boot. This is mainly because most men do not have the confidence to wear boots so those few that do, grab the entire spotlight.

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Boots are basically shoes that go higher than you ankles. Some not too high though. Mostly leather but you will also get them in canvas and suede. Although the latter are not bad as such but there is really nothing like leather boots! They are sturdy and really tough as boots were originally designed to beat desert (cowboy boot) and cold (winter boot) environment. They are practically indestructible and can last you about two decades without much repairing.

Chelsea boot, Chukka boot, Cowboy boot, Dress boot and Winter boot are some of the types of boots that are very popular around the globe. If you wish to make a life changing decision (like a leather jacket, people who own one know how it changes you life entirely!) grab a pair!

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Now remember boots are casual. Even dress boot is not for formal wear. They look best with denims. You know how I always suggest to not wearing distressed and worn out denims with your footwear? Well, boots are for all your distressed, torn and worn out cool denims. As for baggy pants, just stop wearing them with any pair of shoes. It is just not working out. You can opt for a semi-formal look with chinos as well. Shorts look good too. However, it is pretty cool to wear a shirt with these. Yea t-shirts are obviously not so bad as well. But shirts add a spunk!

The stylish boots are cowboy boot, dress boot, chukka boot. Functional boots are winter boot, combat boot, hiking boot etc. However if you live in extreme weather conditions, just owning any pair of these boots is functional for you. They are sturdy, protect your feet and are really low maintenance. All you got to do is regularly change their sole and polish them with a good quality conditioner.

I hope I have encouraged you guys to buy a pair of these. There is nothing more attention grabbing than these. It will literally change your image and boost confidence! Leave comments below to let me know if I did!