
Men’s Wardrobe Maintenance Made Easy With 5 Simple Tips

Right Wardrobe Maintenance For Men – Divide Outfits, Revise Storage, Go Seasonal, Etc

Ever thought about wardrobe maintenance but backed off because it’s a headache? If yes, then you have landed on a perfect blog! Here I have mentioned few steps and amazing tips to excel maintaining your closet. Your style is directly connected to your wardrobe thus it’s very important to go for wardrobe maintenance. One of the worst part about not maintaining closet is you won’t find your outfits on time and if end up finding, it will be in a bad condition.

Maintain Wardrobe

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Here are few steps you should follow to get right Wardrobe maintenance:

1. Divide Outfits:

First step in wardrobe maintenance is dividing outfits on the basis of top and bottom wear. Also divide each in terms of colours too. Make sure you keep your wardrobe organised with proper folded and hanged outfit in different sections. Also keep separate section for accessories like ties, pocket squares, handkerchiefs and watches.

Maintain closet

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2. Eliminate The Unwanted:

It is very important to keep an updated wardrobe and thus you need to throw away some old or out-dated outfits and make place for the trendy ones. Unwanted outfits will unnecessarily occupy the space as you would not go for them again.

3. Essential Tools:

There are few essential tools you should have which are idle for wardrobe maintenance like:
a. Hangers:
b. Shoe Trees:
c. Brushes:
d. Closet Organisers:
e. Garment Storage Bags:
f. Steamers:

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4. Revise Storage:

There is no need to overstuff clothes in your wardrobe. Buy few clothes at one time. Wear it few times when you think you don’t want these then buy new. Don’t buy outfit in bulk and never wear them in a while. This may bring up problems like fitting issues, outdates style and design and also outfit may start looking old.

5. Go Seasonal:

It’s very important to opt for outfits according to the seasons as each demands different colours, style and outfits. Invest in shorts, floral designs during summers, cardigan, coats and dark colours during autumn and boots, bright colours, jackets during monsoon.

6. Fold V/S Hang:

This is very confusing for many men as the end up messing up with outfits. There few outfits that are supposed to be folded and few which are supposed to hang. Woollen outfits are supposed to be folded while shirts and t-shirts should be hanged.

Simple Wardrobe Maintenance Tips & Tricks:

1. To get rid of smelly shoes place tea bags in them.
2. Make sure you wisely choose which suits you want to dry clean as it will clean your outfit very well but shorten its life span.
3. Stuff your sports shoes with newspaper to absorb the seat and maintain its shape.
4. Make sure your temperature is set on right settings as it can burn the outfit.
5. Don’t wash your knitwear with detergent instead use shampoo.

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