
5 Things Women Notice In Men At First Sight

5 Things Women Notice In Men- Shoes, Outfits, Hairstyle, Etc

Know What Women First Notice In You

Many of you might not believe in love at first sight but surely believe in the phrase ‘first impression is last impression’. You can’t deny the fact that women have amazing observational skills and can scan you right from your head to toe in few seconds! Things women notice is very instant and they make a perspective about you thus it’s very important to know them. To extend talks with a woman you will have to impress her with your personality and style. Here are 5 things women notice in men at first sight which you should know and go well dressed to meet women.

Things Women Notice in men

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5 Things Women Notice In Men At First Meet:

1. Shoes:

As I mentioned earlier women notice men right from head to toe and thus shoes plays an important role in creating a good impression. Untidy shoes or mix-matched one can break your look. Make sure you wear dress shoes with formals, sneakers or loafers with casuals and shorts. Never go for casual footwear on formal outfit and vice versa.

shoes that women notice

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2. Outfit:

Outfit is one of the most important things women notice first about men. Make sure your outfit is clean and ironed as you must be aware dirty and crumpled outfit makes you look shabby. All you have to do is go for seasonal colours like I have mentioned in my earlier blog – 7 Right Colours For The Summer Wardrobe and Autumn Wardrobe’s Amazing Colour Palette That Flatter Your Look. Also avoid out-dated fashion rules, never go for worst fashion trends and follow the latest and fresh fashion trends.

3. Hairstyle:

Everyone know how important it is to have well groomed hairstyle as it’s is something that lifts one’s personality and enhances the look. Having untidy hairstyle can leave bad impression thus always try to go for good haircuts. Here are few hairstyles you can try out:
a) Undercut
b) Fade
c) Man Bun
d) Pompadour
e) Spikes

hairstyle women notice in men

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4. Watch:

First gesture of meeting someone is a hand shake which makes it obvious for women to notice your watch. It’s always advisable to invest in one classic time piece which gives you elegant look. It’s rightly said that a watch can make or break your look within minutes. We have many blogs on watches and how to style them, here are few you would love to read:
a. 9 Ways to Complement Your Outfit With the Right Watch
b. Fitness Watch – The Stylish New Fad In Town!
c. Tips You Must Keep In Mind While Buying A Watch

5. Beard:

Beard is the new trend! Many women are crazy behind men with full beards as they find them very attractive. By this I don’t mean women don’t get attract to clean shave men! Here I only mean to say go for well-groomed beard or clean shave don’t end up for the first date or any meeting with untidy or patchy beard. This will surely leave a bad impression about your personality and style as well.

Here were 5 things women notice in men hope it was helpful!