
The Art of Growing House Plants: 5 of the Best Plants to Keep in Your Home

It is safe to bet that one of the important realizations that everyone has come up with in this pandemic is that you can do many things and explore new hobbies that you can start with right in the comfort of your own home. All over the internet, you can see people posting online what they have been up to – be it dancing, working out, cooking, and so much more.

One of the hobbies that emerged at the top of the list is plant collecting. Community lockdowns have restricted travel worldwide, which took away being near nature for green thumbs and outdoor lovers alike. Hence people have decided to take nature with them into their own homes.

From ordinary to exotic plants, here are some of the best houseplants that you can grow right in your place, with tips and the how-tos of giving them adequate tender, loving care:

  • Player plant

Plant enthusiasts are familiar with this common house plant with colorful foliage. The prayer plant boasts leaves with a very striking and gorgeous leaf pattern. What’s more remarkable about it is its leaves close up at night, as if they are hands folded in prayer – hence having this plant coining its name. Prayer plants are also known to produce white flowers.

Also known as “maranta”, this plant hails its origins from Central and South America’s forests. Do not be fooled, though, as they might seem like low-maintenance plants, given that they have thrived initially from green and lush environments. Notwithstanding them being preferred as “common house plants”, they need the right amount of sun and soil to live.

Given this, a prayer plant owner needs to be particular and consider the amount of watering, humidity surrounding the plant, and temperature that it is exposed to. Prayer plants grow best in large plastic planter boxes in medium to bright indirect light if kept indoors, and the soil should be moist but not soggy. 

  • Monstera deliciosa

Donning the nickname of “Swiss Cheese Plant,” – the Monstera deliciosa is easily recognizable because of the holed patterns on its large and fanning leaves. The Monstera is not just a pretty plant to look at and can massively grow if left to its own devices. Because of this, its moniker “Monstera” has a reasonable basis.

Aside from being a decorative household plant, the Monstera is known to make rope and twine, particularly in South and Central America. It also has an edible plant, reminiscent of a banana-pineapple flavor. However, if you plan to keep it indoors, the produce of its fruit or flower cannot most likely be feasible.

The Monstera can thrive indoors in partial shade, with direct sunlight only for a few hours, and prefers to grow in soil with rich, organic matter and has good drainage. They can be planted as-is in plants, vertically, or they can also climb up poles and surfaces, giving a jungle-like feel to your home.

  • Pothos or money plant

A well-loved plant for green thumbs and plant collectors, the pothos is one of the most popular plants kept for the home and even the workspace. Pothos does great as beginner babies for houseplant newbies as they can withstand times when they are having too much or no water at all, low humidity, and other newbie mistakes.

Even for seasoned planters, pothos has remained a cult favorite as you can just let it grow freely in a pot, where it can fall into a pretty rope of leaves, or you can install a coco pole for it to climb and vine up to, giving your home a jungle-esque vibe. 

Pothos is an easy and fun plant to grow and start with, as propagation is as easy as counting 1-2-3. Just cut some stems at its node, plant in soil (or even in water!), position it in an area where there is enough light, and voila! You now are a pothos grower.

  • Hoya carnosa

Say “Hiya!” to this Hoya, a commonly grown potted houseplant called wax plant by avid plant fans. It has beautiful flowers whose colors range from white to pink, cream, and even yellow. It is even called “porcelain flower” due to its waxy appearance and often resembles those little cute flower decorations put on top of cakes.

Like its pothos counterpart, the Hoya is an easy plant to grow as it can just be grown and cultivated from its stem cuttings. As a non-fussy darling, the Hoya happily grows under indirect sunlight and moist but good draining soil. 

  • Aloe Vera

Last and definitely not the least is the classic aloe vera plant. For centuries, not only has it been known as a plant household name, but its medicinal and beauty benefits have placed it on the top of plants grown at home.

Aloe veras are succulent plants with green, fleshy leaves that can be used as a topical medicine. However, before you buy an aloe, you need to plan which spot in the house you would keep it, as it very much appreciates indirect bright sunlight. They are happily grown in good draining soil and do not prefer to be watered regularly.

Although infrequently, Aloes produce flowers that look like colorful long spikes, wherein tubular red or yellow blossoms cling. However, it has to be put in an ideal location to get it flowering, with just the right lighting, humidity, enough amount of water, and rich soil.


What perfect time is it to visit your local garden and scout for your choice of a houseplant than now? With the proper care, nourishment and love, your houseplants might just become the perfect addition to make your house a more beautiful one. 

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