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3 Different Ways Men Can Hold A Bag – The Bag Guide!

Our previous blog was on different kinds of bag. This time we’re going to help you how to hold a bag. You may have seen the best bags on men but the way they carry it not only destroys the bag’s beauty, but also makes your look unattractive.

Here are Different Ways To Hold A Bag With Class & Style

Wearing a Side Bag

Side bags are either carried on the side i.e. on any of your shoulder or either in the slant i.e. hung on any of your shoulder towards the slant. Here’s the ways to wear a slant bag and make sure you don’t ruin up wearing them in awkward ways.

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The savior bag/Tourist bag/Backpack

You may have seen many kids, adults and other men from different age groups wearing a two-sided bag in a way that kind of gives a feeling of not really good/perfect. Whether it’s about the length of the handles you adjust or about how low or high you want the bag to be hung. The two sided bags are either hung on the backs or on the front. Well, have a look at Different Ways To Hold A Bag

Folder bag/ Sleeve

Men love minimal when it comes to bags and carrying little or least things with them. Laptop sleeves are quite in trend and they’re not just used for carrying laptop but also for anything else that fits in it. Men love this bag because it’s little, it’s classy and it’s not big. The right way to carry a sleeve bag is to hold it in a correct manner. Of course comfort comes first! But the way you carry shouldn’t look uncomfortable too. Carry it with style, So much that your fingers don’t look like they’re squashing the bag. Make sure you hold the bag with elegance and not press it tight.


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