Knee length socks goes over or up to the knee. They are basically worn while playing sports or during the winter seasons. During harsh winter you can wear them at home to keep your feet warm. Knee length socks are a little expensive than other socks because of the extra material on it to make it as long as knee. Knee length socks are also worn by men in the British army and navy, it is part of their uniform to protect them in the trenches.
top 10 knee length socks you should be knowing
1. 3street knee length socks
2. MOXY knee length socks
3. STRYDE knee length socks
4. Leotruny knee length socks
5. Fasoar knee length socks
6. Swell Relief length socks
7. PHIVUTY knee length socks
8. SUTTOS knee length socks
9. DaSOC knee length socks
10. Tuesdays2 knee length socks
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