
Tips for men from the best stylists

Many men have a much harder time allowing themselves to wear bright colors than women. Men are conservative and listen to outside opinions, so most men find it easier to follow time-tested formulas of color combinations than to listen to their hearts, which may want to distinguish their owner from the gray masses.

But if we are dealing with brave men who love online Indian casino, of which, oddly enough, there are many, who can afford pink shirts and red suits, they will not think that these things will somehow negatively affect their masculinity.

The basics of picking things up

Everyone else, not the extreme right and not the radical left, should be helped to combine colors in their closet to explain that bright accents are not to be feared, but it is better to benefit from their stylistic literacy.

Many men have a much harder time allowing themselves to wear bright colors than women. Men are conservative and listen to outside opinions, so most men find it easier to follow time-tested formulas of color combinations than to listen to their hearts, which may want to distinguish their owner from the gray masses.

But if we are dealing with brave men, of which, oddly enough, there are many, then they can afford pink shirts and red suits, but they will not think that these things will somehow negatively affect their masculinity.

Everyone else, not the extreme right and not the radical left, should be helped to combine colors in their closet to explain that bright accents are not to be feared, but it is better to benefit from their stylistic literacy.

However, our article is not about one bright thing in the image but about the ability to combine brilliant stuff in men’s closets or to push the idea of their appearance in the closet.

Basic rules for combining colors

  • Black, white, and gray are combined in any proportions. These colors are called achromats. Any achromat can be paired with a bright color. For example, a colored sweater will go perfectly with gray pants.
  • Muted colors are called neutral colors. They are perfectly combined and with bright colors. For example, a yellow t-shirt will look great in an image with khaki pants. Beige and its shades also belong to the neutralizers.
  • Shades of the same color work well together, creating a monochrome look. Related colors placed side by side on the Itten circle also work as a set. For example, a burgundy shirt and a pink jacket.
  • Contrasting colors opposite each other in an Itten circle also work well together. For example, a green print on a red T-shirt is by the book. You don’t have to wear an orange sweater with blue jeans, and you can match purple sneakers with yellow laces or socks.
  • The ultimate distant pair is the color opposite in Etten’s circle plus one step. We would suggest starting with a combination of blue jeans with a red sweatshirt. This solution will not shock anyone, but you will already start to play with color in your images.

Rules of choosing the right color

You can often hear from men that a particular color either does not like it or does not suit them. However, if a woman can use makeup to give the appearance of contrast, and any color will work for her, the man better knows the rules for choosing the right colors.

Why would a man need this at all? Many posts suggest that a man should look good. Also, publicity, the media will not tolerate blue circles under the eyes, and it is the wrong color on the face they can emphasize. But just any woman will be pleased to look at a man whose eyes shine, and a woman does not have to know that the reason for this is not her but the fitting color shirt.

Determining warmth. If your skin has a yellow or peachy undertone and your hair and eyes have a warm hue, warm colors will suit you. On the other hand, if your skin has a blue or olive pallet, it’s better to match your face with clothes of more fabulous shades.

Determining the contrast. If there is a gray pigment in your appearance, no bright eyes, and the eyes do not contrast in color with the hair, then you are likely the owner of a muted appearance, and dusty colors will suit you. On the other hand, if you are blonde with brown eyes or a brunette with blue eyes, you can safely wear pure bright colors on your face.

What style to choose for a man? 

The main styles for men: 

  • Business – elegant and concise. It should emphasize professionalism, correspond to the company dress code, and add confidence. The main elements: classic suit, tie, classic shoes, watch. 
  • Casual is universal and comfortable, and it means “usual” in translation. This style is characterized by simple and comfortable clothing. It is well suited for walks, tourist tips, and even for work in the office if the company does not have a clear dress code. 
  • Sports style is accessible and comfortable. Previously, sportswear was acceptable only in training, but now the sports style has become more universal and often becomes part of everyday life—the main elements: knitted tracksuits, sneakers. 
  • Grunge is unconventional and original. Thanks to this style, men oppose standard and glamorous styles. Usually, the images of grunge style copy the clothes of prominent rock stars. They know precisely how to play Dragon Tiger. The main elements are leather jackets, “leather jackets,” massive shoes, dark glasses, shirts in plaid, and ostentatious sloppiness. How do you choose the right clothes for a man’s figure?

Rules of masculine style – expert tips 

  • Accessories aren’t just little things that aren’t worth noticing. Choose a few accessories that will accentuate any of your looks. It is better to buy an expensive watch, a pair of quality sunglasses, light and warm scarf. Please do not skimp on accessories because they are your calling card. 
  • The perfect classic suit should be in the closet of every man. A business suit is the basis of the closet. You will look stylish and confident in an adequately chosen case at any business meeting. The main rules of choice: it should be sized, stay in a classic color scheme, and do not constrain the movement. 
  • Keep all your clothes in good condition. Clothing should be clean and ironed, shoes polished. A person who looks neat makes a good impression on his interlocutors. 
  • It would be best if you did not tuck your jeans into the shoes or socks. It looks untidy and outdated. It is better to twist the jeans, and it looks stylish and laconic. 

Rely on your intuition

In general, it’s pretty simple. Let the mirror and your intuition be your leading advisers. Do you like this suit? Already see yourself in it, walking down the avenue, catching the admiring glances of girls? Not bad. Now to the dressing room. And if any detail on closer acquaintance with the suit embarrasses you, look for another. There is little chance of compromise. Are you interested in a fashion trend?

Tips from stylists are a great help for aspiring fashionists. But they are good when used wisely and with respect for their understanding. From such a combination are born the real masterpieces of style.