Street style has now become the most loved style amongst men across the globe. It is simple yet looks stunning when styled correctly. If you are looking for right street style trends to follow in 2018 than let me assure you that this is a perfect blog for you. In our earlier blogs we mentioned 7 stunning street style looks men can steal from these insta celebs. This blog is a complete style guide for men on street style trends.
Here are 5 Street Style Trends Men Should Follow Blindly:
1. Playful Hoodies:
Nothing can beat the amazing style men carry while styling hoodie. It’s one of the most comfortable and relaxing outfit for men. It can be styled with denim, ripped jeans, shorts and chinos. It looks amazing in every possible combination. No doubt way it holds a place in street style trends.
2. Checked Outfits:
Checked outfits are the one with simplicity and style. They are one of the most styled outfits by men. Mostly checked outfit is seen as formal attire but it looks stunning in casuals too. You can style checked shirt with denim, checked blazer with chino and checked suits with dress shirt.
4. Military Style Attires:
Military style attires were in trend few years back and now they have made a huge come back. Military style t-shirt and jackets looks stunning if styled correctly with perfect bottom wear.
5. Amazing Knit Wears:
Knit wear is one of the best street style trends as it gives men great look to flaunt. All you have to do is make sure you go for perfect colour to maintain your look. If you fail to do so it may break your look too, hence select wisely.