
8 Essential Style tips for men in their 20’s

Things to do and things not to do might be a real question in your life. You might not have know how appreciated you are when you do certain things and you might not know how bad you look when you a couple of things. Dressing is a great manner of respect. Not only you respect others but you get respected as well. Your confidence is the way you dress yourself too.

Here are 8 Essential Style tips for men in their 20s

1. Wear what you are –

Dressing yourself like others will lead you to be a wannabe. Dressing yourself what you are, will accentuate you. Wear your confidence when you feel short of clothes.

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2. Confidence is your best accessory –

Be confident with what you have, what you wear and what you are! Eventually everything comes down to how confident you feel and how confident you appear to be.

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3. Respect other’s sense of style-

You might dress up and look dapper but you must respect others dressing styles even if you don’t admire.

4. Shoes-

Invest in really good pair of shoes.

5. Don’t buy an extremely expensive wallet –

Usually men shed a heavy amount of their salary on expensive wallets to keep nothing but a few bucks in it. Buy a wallet to keep a heavy amount! Being practical is the best key.

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6. Always wear 2 accessory when you are out!

Be it a pair of sunglasses or a watch, A cap or a bracelet, A chain or rings. Make sure you wear at least 2 of them.

7. Don’t look down badly at someone not wearing high street brands.

You might have come across people who’re brand crazy and oh, they have a problem with being friends with you if you don’t include a couple of their high brands in your wardrobe. If you’re one of those brand crazy boys, it’s time to strike through this activity. There’s always a matter of choice on who wears what, it’s their matter of choice. Don’t disrespect. If you like brands, wear! Don’t show concern on why others don’t wear.

8. A well tailored Suit is a MUST!

A Gentleman always have a proper fitted suit in his wardrobe. So Should you!

These were the 8 Essential Style tips for men in their 20s.


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