“Wow! I have got loads of ironing to do today. What fun!” I am sure none of us have heard this uttered anywhere, anytime. And if we have, I am willing to bet it was due to sarcasm or OCD. Bazinga!!!
I know, in all of my articles and blog posts before this one, I have always talked of the importance of clean and ironed apparels, whatever the style or occasion may be. I still stand by my words but this article is like a cheat day, those who diet know about this concept. It is that day of the week where the diet is on a break and you can indulge in your poison, in moderation of course. So I thought why not have something similar for style, like a casual Friday is for office, this is for those who hate to iron and would never do it if it weren’t for the pressures of work, a nagging parent or girlfriend or the judgments of the society at large.
So for my friends out there who think it is a bane on their life to waste precious seconds ironing rather then living, as God meant for us. Yes, I have friends who are high on drama and lazy enough to use God and philosophy as an excuse to get out of ironing clothes. This one’s for you guys.
#1 The Hidden or “Tucked” under a Sweater
The absolute best quality of a wrinkled button down is the ability of its collars to remain unwrinkled and crease free. However hassled your shirt ends up looking, the collars are always pristine. So make use of this quality to your benefit. Team up a wrinkled button down with a sweater. Pick a sweater with a crew neck. Make sure the collars are not tucked under the sweater. Complete this look with a pair of denims or trousers. This look is very preppy, very popular with the ivy leagues, plus it looks real dapper. This look is great for the winters or when it’s a little nippy.
#2 The Chinos Illusion
Look no. two is a cool look for a barbeque or a get-together with friends or a bonfire. Pair your wrinkled shirt with chinos or khakis. Not denims. That will make it very very casual, especially with a wrinkled shirt. But the combination of chinos and shirt or khakis and shirt is way more fetching for such an occasion and tipping a tad bit more towards the semi-formal genre.
#3 The Layer Slayer
When I say layer it, that does not mean you pair it up with a formal jacket or a blazer. Remember you have to work with a wrinkled shit and make it look cool and not sloppy. So nothing too formal or prim and proper. Go the casual way. A laid back top and a denim jacket. Some dark well fitted jeans and a pair of sneakers. BTW white sneakers are really trending this season, so do check them out. If you are up for it and really want to add an edge to this look then go for a pair of boots instead of the sneakers.
#4 The Basic TEE Look
Take a basic t-shirt. Pair it with your wrinkled shirt. Go for fabrics like polyester, linen or chambray when selecting the shirt. These fabrics work great for layering. You will look cool, not sloppy or questionable. Complete this look with some denims or chinos, depending on how casual you want to go and some sneakers.
Hope all my friends who are not lazy but only on power saving mode enjoyed this piece. Till next time, keep it stylish guys!

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