
Eight of the Most Common Causes of Car Accidents (and How to Protect Yourself)

Tragically, over 1.35 million people die on roads around the world every year and millions more are injured.

Let’s take a look at eight of the most common causes of car accidents so that you can take steps to protect yourself when behind the wheel of your car.

1. Distracted Driving

Being unfocused while driving is a primary reason for vehicular mishaps. If you look away from the road, even momentarily, it can have grave outcomes.

For instance, activities like sending text messages, consuming food or talking on the phone can contribute to interruptions that frequently result in automobile accidents.

So, if you want to flirt with someone via text, for example, wait until you are not driving.

2. Speeding

Speeding is another major car accident cause. Sometimes, drivers ignore speed limits or simply do not pay attention to their speed.

As a result, they lose control of their vehicle and increase the probability of an accident occurring.

So, always follow the speed limit.

3. Aggressive Driving

Aggressive driving plays a role in many car accidents as well. Tailgating, weaving through traffic and road rage are behaviors that put both you and other drivers at risk. These aggressive actions make it difficult to react quickly in case of sudden changes on the road.

4. Drunk Driving

Driving under the influence of alcohol is a key factor in many fatal crashes. Alcohol impairs your judgement and reaction time while behind the wheel. As a consequence, intoxicated drivers often cause significant harm to themselves and others sharing the road with them.

5. Poor Weather Conditions

Another cause worth mentioning is poor and severe weather conditions. Conditions like heavy rain, fog or snow can reduce visibility and make roads slippery or challenging to navigate.

Therefore, it is important to adapt your driving style and speed according to the prevailing conditions to minimize the risk of accidents.

6. Ignoring Traffic Rules

Ignoring traffic rules also contributes to car accidents. Running red lights, not yielding when required, and making illegal turns are examples of how disregarding traffic regulations can lead to collisions.

7. Vehicle Defects

In some cases, vehicle defects are responsible for causing an accident. For instance, issues with brakes or tires may lead to sudden failures while driving. Regularly maintaining your car and fixing any issues can help prevent such crashes.

8. Driving While Fatigued

Driving when tired is another common cause. When exhaustion starts affecting your focus and responses, it can make it challenging for you to respond swiftly when unexpected situations occur.

Always bear in mind that whenever a wave of tiredness hits you while driving, the essential thing is to find a secure spot to stop or take some time off until you’re feeling alert again.

Getting Legal Help if You’ve Been Involved in a Car Accident

If you find yourself in an accident on the road, seeking legal help for car accidents can be crucial.

A specialized attorney can guide you through the process of filing a claim, gathering evidence, and negotiating with insurance companies.

If the accident wasn’t your fault and it resulted in injuries, an experienced lawyer can help you gain compensation for medical expenses, lost wages, and other damages related to the incident. 

So, don’t hesitate to consult professional legal support for your personal injury case.

How to Protect Yourself

By being proactive about safety, you can significantly reduce the risk of getting involved in a car accident.

So, here are some practical steps you can take to protect yourself on the road:

  • Always wear your seatbelt: This simple action has proven to save lives in the event of a crash.
  • Stay focused and avoid distractions: Keep your eyes on the road, and don’t engage in activities such as texting or eating while driving.
  • Follow traffic rules: Adhere to speed limits, traffic signs, and signals to ensure a smooth flow of traffic.
  • Maintain your vehicle regularly: Proper maintenance helps prevent sudden mechanical failures that could cause an accident.
  • Avoid aggressive driving behaviors: Be patient, maintain a safe following distance, and avoid excessive lane changes or tailgating.
  • Plan ahead for weather conditions: Adjust your driving style based on weather conditions like rain, fog, or snow.