Who says a bag is only the girls’ best companion? A bag is mostly considered a person’s style statement rather than storage essential. This one accessory has the influence to turn the whole look down or bring the personality to a whole new level. It’s entirely up to you that how you carry your bag along. If a small accessory like bag has so much to offer, shouldn’t we be well aware of all the trending types of bags for men prevailing into the industry?
Offering you the most used, admired and desired types of bags those can become a stylish companion for a Man.
Briefcase Bags
No, we aren’t talking about the old school hard briefcase. The fashion gurus have identified the need of briefcase with a different look, and thus, they’ve introduced many trendy briefcase bags in leather materials. They’re perfect to carry a laptop along with all other office requisites. Have a look at Hidesign Mens Bags for a broader idea about voguish briefcase bags online.

Messenger Bags
The ditto replica of a message box into a form of the handbag is called the Messenger Bags. The super awesome and stylish accessory for your daily office wear is none but this! Messenger bags are handy and trendy. Formals will look just fab when a bag like Carlton Messenger Bag or a Tommy Hilfiger Messenger Bag will accompany you to the office. Check them out on Shoppers Stop’s online store for a better view.

Tote Bags
Yeah, you read that right! Who says a Tote Bag is women’s kind? If big strap handles with a more extensive space to carry things is a man’s choice, then my friend Tote bags are just for you. With style and designs emerging day by day, Mens Tote Bags are becoming a thing nowadays. Search for Baggit Mens Bags, who are exceptional providers of such above par in-trend bags.

Duffle Bags
The super sturdy and spacious ones are these Duffle Bags. Large sizes give a handsome feel, and more room for things is a must-have quality in any duffle bag. These bags are available in loads and loads of colors, materials and shapes these days. The Camo print ones are total charmers! A recommended one is Wrangler Duffle Bag. Try out Unisex Duffle Bags which can be carried by both men and women.
Weekender Bags
As holiday vibes are already in its name, weekender bags are for those weekend getaways which we on and off plan. Sufficient enough to carry 2 to 3 days luggage and comfortable to hold grip for the free trips.

The commoner amongst all, a Backpack! The most-easy to carry on your back now comes in many styles and faucets. Despite being the most regular one, the charm and demand of it never go out. Laptop backpacks, School-college Backpacks and even substantial travelling backpacks rule the market since ages. Consider a Samsonite Backpack if you’re in need of a durable companion.
Be at ease by shopping these trending bags for men from Shoppers Stop’s online store.
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