
What to do if Your Pet Dog Gets Dog Diarrhea?

It is an unpopular topic. Still, we should deal with the fact that our pet dogs can experience upset stomachs too. If you have felt the discomfort of having diarrhea yourself, imagine how painful it would be for our fur-babies, especially when they cannot directly complain about it.

The frequent passing of loose and soft stool is a common problem among dogs as they often put just about anything inside their mouths. But we should also remember that dog diarrhea is not a disease itself; sometimes, it is only a symptom of an underlying condition of gastrointestinal tract problems.

As responsible pet owners, we should be able to handle dog runs with full maturity as it can lead to much worse conditions. Here are some things you need to remember when dealing with diarrhea in dogs:

Take it Easy

Relax. It can sound alarming, especially if this is the first time that your dog has experienced having an upset stomach. But panicking would not help. Take it easy. Be in control of the situation and give your fur-babies some assuring strokes and cuddles to ease both your worries.

Consider the Dog’s Age

Consider the age of the dog experiencing this health problem. If it is a newborn puppy, an aging weak dog, or a dog with a pre-existing condition, then it should be brought to the veterinarian immediately.

Avoid Dehydration

Once you notice an unusual bowel movement or dog diarrhea, accompanied by a lack of energy and weakness in your dogs, immediately increase their water intake to avoid dehydration. The lack of fluid may worsen the problem, so encourage your dog to drink plenty of clean water as soon as you suspect diarrhea.

Implement Fasting

Before implementing fasting, make sure that your dog is strong enough. Puppies and older dogs are discouraged from fasting as they need more nutrients than a healthy dog.

To address the upset stomach without rushing to the vet, try removing your dog’s food intake for the next 8 to 12 hours and only offer water. Fasting helps its stomach to rest and recover from whatever is causing it to act up.

During the fasting, increase your dog’s water intake, or you may also offer rice-water or the creamy liquid that you get from boiling white rice in water.


It may be tempting to offer yogurt or other probiotic products suitable for human consumption, but it is highly discoudraged as some dogs may be lactose intolerant. Find a dog-specific probiotic pack and give it during the eight to twelve-hour fasting.

Slowly Re-introduce Solid Foods

When your dog has not vomited or defecated a soft-watery stool, then try to slowly give small amounts of solid food like boiled chicken strips or white rice. After the first meal, observe your fur-baby for the next two hours. If there is no vomiting session, then continue increasing the solid food until it regains energy.

When dealing with dog diarrhea, the above tips can only apply to certain situations. If the upset stomach and unusual bowel movement continue, better take your pet buddies to their veterinarian, as they may need further medical attention.