Combination of braid with messy bun and braid with ponytail is timeless! Today I will be talking about Upside braided hairstyles, it looks lovely. Here I will give you’ll detailed information about what is Upside Braid hairstyles? How to make Upside braid Bun? Steps to make Upside Braid hairstyles? Steps to make upside braided ponytail hairstyle.
Pretty Upside Braided Hairstyle
Are you confused between what is a regular braided hairstyle and what is upside braided hairstyle? Well here I have the answer for your queries. They are almost similar but the only difference here is that the regular braided hairstyles starts from the crown and end at the bottom and upside braided hairstyle as the name suggests it is made in the reverse direction of the regular one that is it starts from the bottom and goes to the crown or the middle section of your head. You have a choice while going for such hairstyles as you can opt for Upside Braided Buns and Upside Braided Ponytails.
Things you will need to make Upside Braided hairstyles
• Hair brush to detangle your hair.
• Hair comb to make sections.
• Hair serum to make your hair soft and shiny.
• Hair ties to close the bottom.
• Hair pins to secure the hairs.
• Hair spray to hold the hairstyle.
Easy steps to make Upside Braided Bun
Step 1: Firstly, flip your head down to start from the bottom.
Step2: Divide a small section of hair into three.
Step 3: Begin a regular braid by crossing the side sections under the middle one.
Step 4: Add in another section of the hair from the side to the braid.
Step 5: Add in on more section of hair from the other side and add it in.
Step 6: Continue the process until you reach to the top.
Step 7: Secure the braid with a hair tie and loop it on your bun.
Step 8: Use hair clips and bobby pins to fix sticking out hairs.
Step 9: Spray some hairspray to set it.
Step 10: Gently pull out the sides of the braid to make it look larger.
Upside Braided Bun Video
Sometimes it is difficult to copy or try the hairstyle you have read even if it is explained with pictures and easy language. Here I have an Braided Bun video that will guide you to get the right one easily.
Step to make Upside Braided Ponytail
Upside Braided Ponytail is similar to Upside Braided Bun but the only difference here is after starting from the bottom when you reach the crown or the middle section you opt for either bun or ponytail. For any of these two you can choose the one according to your preferences and the occasion you want to style it. Making Upside Braided Ponytail you need to follow the step mentioned above up to the Step no 6. For Step 7 you have to make ponytail instead of a bun, then continue with Step 8.
Upside braided ponytail Video
If you dint understand the steps to go for a ponytail, here I have a video that will guide you. Have a look at it to understand the steps properly, so that you can opt for it.
Styling Upside Braided hairstyles with your Outfit
Are you confused when to go for a regular braided hairstyle and when to go for a cute and chic one like Upside Braided Hairstyle? Want to stand out in crowd and carry it all day with ease Upside Braided Hairstyle is the best one. You can style it with any outfit and you are ready to go! But especially you can pull it off if styled with the outfits mentioned below.
Outfit 1: It is a popular one for party wear.
Outfit 2: Pairing it with tube dresses adds more glamour to your look.
Outfit 3: Style it with swing dress and it will add more cuteness to your look.
Outfit 4: Mini dresses are pretty and Upside Braided hairstyles adds more.
Outfit 5: Waterfall Braid updo can be styled with cold and off shoulder dresses.
Outfit 6: With gowns it looks very pretty.
Outfit 7: Style it with Dungaree and you are all set for the day.
Outfit 8: It will work best if style with wedding gown.
Outfit 9: Along with your causals Upside Braided hairstyles works amazing.
Outfit 10: Style it with mini shorts and you are ready!
I hope after knowing and understanding upside braided hairstyle well with pictures, videos and step you will surely opt for it next time you want to stand out in crowd. It is not easy though but practicing it few times can make you get the perfect one. Go for it now! Hurry Up!