
The Dos and Don’ts of Wearing Lace-Up Heels

It goes without saying that lace-up heels are a trendy, stylish way to add a little extra edge to your outfit. But if you’ve never worn them before, they can feel a bit daunting. How do you keep them from slipping? What’s the best way to style them? And how do you avoid looking like you’re about to go on a pirate adventure? Never fear! We’ve got all the tips and tricks you need to know to wear your new amazing lace up heels like a pro.

Do: Choose the right size shoe.

Nothing ruins a good outfit quite like uncomfortable shoes. Make sure your lace-up heels are the right size so you can wear them all night without having to hobble around in pain. There’s nothing worse than blisters, after all!

Do: Tighten the laces gradually.

You don’t want to make your laces too tight – that will just cut off circulation and make your feet hurt. Instead, tighten them gradually until they’re snug but not too tight. That way, you’ll be able to dance the night away without having to worry about your shoes falling off.

Do: Style them with confidence.

The best way to wear any new piece of clothing is with confidence. Strut your stuff and own those lace-up heels like you were born in them. After all, confidence is always in style.

Don’t: Wear them if you’re not comfortable.

If lace-up heels just aren’t your thing, don’t force it – there’s no shame in sticking to more traditional heel styles. Your feet will thank you for it later.

Don’t: Make the laces too long.

You don’t want your laces trailing on the ground where they can get stepped on and dirty. Trim them down so they’re just long enough to do their job – no more, no less!

Don’t: Forget about the rest of your outfit.

Lace-up heels are definitely a statement piece, but that doesn’t mean you should neglect the rest of your outfit. Make sure everything comes together cohesively so you look put-together from head to toe. 

Ready to get started?

Lace-up heels are a great way to add a little extra edge to your outfit – but only if you know how to wear them properly! With these dos and don’ts in mind, you’ll be able to rock lace-up heels like a pro in no time. So go out there and strut your stuff!