Running shoes as the name suggests is a specially designed shoes with mid soles having stability and cushioning between the outer sole and the inner sole. The commonly used running sole is of the EVA (ethylene Vinyl Acetate). There are three running shoes category you should know to select the right one for you as when you stand wearing the shoes it seems to be comfortable but when it comes to running its starts being uncomfortable.
Road running shoes are specially designed for slight irregularity and smooth surface like a road and are also light weight that helps you with best comfort. It is flexible, cushioned and stabilized to give your feet grip and comfort as you stride on irregular surfaces. Trail running shoes are specially designed to run over irregular surface and over obstacle like rocks, mud and roots providing you with support, stability and underfoot protection. Cross training shoes is specially designed to run over the ground mainly for gym or cross work outs.
Running shoes are not just a fitness and sport shoes but also a style statement you can go for if you want it to pair it with any of your casual wear. Keep these tips in mind before buying running shoes to avoid the regret of buying comfortless and non-fit running shoes. Keep in mind your feet size and type, feet’s get swollen in the morning so try taking your shoe size at the end of the day, try to buy a size with allows a bit spacing between the shoes and feet for ventilation, can also opt for orthotics to avoid. Go and get your pair now!
Top 10 Running Shoes You Should Be Knowing
1. Nepretty running shoes
2. adidas NEO running shoes
3. NIKE running shoes
4. Brooks running shoes
5. New Balance running shoes
6.PUMA running shoes
7. Reebok running shoes
8. Saucony running shoes
9. QANSI running shoes
10. ASICS running shoes