Sneakers are shoes specially designed to perform physical exercise or sports but are often used for daily wear. It is footwear with flexible sole mainly made up of synthetic material or rubber and the upper made up of canvas, leather suede or synthetic materials. Sneakers also include tennis shoes, basketball shoes, cross trainers and shoes worn for specific sports. It has become very popular amongst women in recent times as it’s now a style statement. It is available in various styles and designs; there are three types of sneakers that you should know.
3 Must Have Sneakers for Every Women
1. Slip on Sneaker
Slip on sneakers are lace less sneakers were in you just slip in the foot. It is very comfortable to wear as it has best gripped sole, high quality material like leather, suede, canvas and denim, also available in varying heel length and type. It the most stylish and trending sneaker that gives chic and cool look with any extra efforts. It can be paired with variety of attires mainly casuals. One should invest in slip on sneakers to avoid future regrets.
2. High Top Sneakers
High top sneakers are type of sneakers that extents up to the ankle length suitable for sports and casual wear. It is idle for those who love to get cool look effortlessly and also want best comfort and fit to carry it all day. It has flexible sole, cushioned insole, lace up fronts, high quality material like leather, canvas, suede and denim. It has classic designs and style that gives you a change to flaunt your look. One should surely go for it as it is very versatile having variable heel lengths.
3. Sneaker Wedges
Sneaker wedges are a sneaker type with same material acting as a sole and a heel. It is a high heel sneaker that’s provides you with comfort and great fit despite of having high heels as wedge heel are the most comfortable and safe heels. It goes well with any casual attire for any casual affair. Sneaker wedges are suitable for all season as they are breathable, water resistant and cushioned that gives you a great wearing experience. It is very light and stylish, you should surly go for it.