
Best Tips you need to sew like a Pro

Do you want to stitch like a pro, but you are just a beginner in the field? If yes, we can help you get the best tips and tricks. You don’t need to be an expert or a sewing machine buffs to be the best sewer in the town. These tips will help you get a fun, exciting, and innovative way of sewing all types of clothes and fabric. You will also get a professional touch in all your sewing projects by following these tips.

If you are a beginner in the sewing field, you may feel that the garments you sew look a bit dull and it doesn’t look as finished as s store-bought clothes. To give a polished look to your garments, these tips can be quite helpful. 

Press the seam

One of the most important tips that you will learn ever is to press the seams of the cloth before you start sewing. This will help you get control over your seam allowance. In addition to this, this tip will also help you in getting a neat sewing experience. Pressing the fabric before you sew will also help the thread meld appropriately inside the fabric. If you want to get a flattering finish for all clothes that you sew, don’t miss this tip.

Get rid of extra threads

Annoying protruding thread on the sides of the fabric may seem really annoying. If you want to become the best tailor or designer in the town, you need to pay attention to detail so that you can offer neat and perfectly tailored garments to your customer. Protruding threads are an inevitable part but cut them right away to get the best sewing experience as well as the best finish to the customer.

How to trim excess thread?

  • If you want to cut protruding threads, you need to start at the right side of the fabric. When you pull the thread from the wrong side, the tiny threads from the right side may get pulled over to the wrong side of the fabric.
  • Getting rid of the extra thread will help you get a professional look to your dress.

Use a correct thread color

Most tailors make the mistake of not using the exact thread color. It is important to use the tread color that can match perfectly with the color of the fabric. The closer the thread matches with the color of the fabric, the fewer people will notice the thread. If you are using a thread that is lighter in color as compared to the color of the fabric, you are making a grave mistake as the thread will become more noticeable. Unless you want to deliberately make use of a contrasting color thread, try to use a thread that no one would notice.

Use short stitches

This trick may also depend upon the type of fabric you are using. Short stitches look better, and it will also help you in keeping your sewing projects durable. You can also use the short stitch to make your project sturdy and prevent it from tearing away. Many sewing machines keep the stitching length in millimeters. You can also check different machines at to choose a machine that can help you get variable stitch length. 

Machine tension set up

Most tailors and sewers make the mistake of neglecting the machine tension. Not setting up the machine tension can affect the final outcome of your project. If you don’t set up the tension perfectly, you may get too loose or too tight stitches. Try to set an average tension for appropriate sewing. In addition to this, you also need to change the tension wheel at a regular interval to adjust the setting as per your needs.

Keep these tips in mind for machine tension set up:

  • A new sewing machine has a tension set up of around 5
  • You will get to know that the tension is off when it is either too tight or too loose. When the tension is too tight, the tread may crumple the fabric while sewing. On the other hand, if the tension is too loose, the thread may be slightly loopy.
  • You also need to read the manual of the machine to get an appropriate setting of the machine wheel and the tension of the wheel.

Finish the seams

There are innumerable ways to finish off the seams. You have the option to trim the seam or use an overcast stitch at the edge of the seam. When you trim off the seams, the thread may break easily. If you use a zig-zag stitch, your sewing project may not look too professional. Thus, try to use a serger to finish the interior seams.

All these tips will help you in getting a better sewing experience so that you can get perfect sewing without any worries. So, use all these tips and let us know which one of these tips worked best for you.